Système d’ébavurage et de polissage de précision La machine d’usinage par écoulement abrasif (AFM) VECTOR est extrêmement flexible.
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Features Specifications Specifications details

The standard VECTOR Abrasive Flow Machine consists of a machine with touch screen HMI and a hydraulic power unit.


Media delivery is reciprocating between the top and bottom assemblies. Both assemblies consist of media cylinders, pistons, seals and caps.


Main components of the hydraulic system are a hydraulic power unit, two media hydraulic cylinders, and two clamp cylinders with an air/ oil pump assist.


The machine is controlled by a PLC. The operator interface terminal is a touch screen. Standard functions include remote media pressure adjustment, automatic and manual mode, displacement counter, cycle counter, and cycle timer. The machine process parameters are preset via the operator interface terminal and can also be monitored on the terminal once the automatic cycle has been initiated.

AUTOFLOWTM Controls are now standard with
all VECTOR machines; 10” touch screen HMI.


Manually operated tooling slide cart.
Light curtains.


Système d’ébavurage et de polissage de précision La machine d’usinage par écoulement abrasif (AFM) VECTOR est extrêmement flexible. Elle peut polir de grandes filières et de grands moules de formage, en plus d’ébavurer et de polir des pièces de précision en petites et moyennes séries.

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